Government Finance

Annual Value Added Tax (VAT) - Commercial and Trading

December 18th, 2021

The dataset contains annual figures of central government charges on the sales of goods and services to consumers. VAT is paid by producers who in turn shift to final consumers who purchase the good or service. Dataset shows VAT for the Commercial and Trading sector. Data was collected by NBS, cleaned and transformed by Dataphyte.

Annual Value Added Tax (VAT) - Conglomerates

December 18th, 2021

The dataset contains annual figures of central government charges on the sales of goods and services to consumers. VAT is paid by producers who in turn shift to final consumers who purchase the good or service. Dataset shows VAT for the Conglomerates sector Data was collected by NBS, cleaned and transformed by Dataphyte.

Annual Value Added Tax (VAT) - Federal Ministries and Parastatals

December 18th, 2021

The dataset contains annual figures of central government charges on the sales of goods and services to consumers. VAT is paid by producers who in turn shift to final consumers who purchase the good or service. Dataset shows VAT for the Federal Ministries and Parastatals. Data was collected by NBS, cleaned and transformed by Dataphyte.

Annual Value Added Tax (VAT) - Gas

December 18th, 2021

The dataset contains annual figures of central government charges on the sales of goods and services to consumers. VAT is paid by producers who in turn shift to final consumers who purchase the good or service. Dataset shows VAT for the gas sector. Data was collected by NBS, cleaned and transformed by Dataphyte.

Annual Value Added Tax (VAT) - Hotels and Catering

December 18th, 2021

The dataset contains annual figures of central government charges on the sales of goods and services to consumers. VAT is paid by producers who in turn shift to final consumers who purchase the good or service. Dataset shows VAT for the Hotels and Catering sector. Data was collected by NBS, cleaned and transformed by Dataphyte.

Annual Value Added Tax (VAT) - Local Government Councils

December 18th, 2021

The dataset contains annual figures of central government charges on the sales of goods and services to consumers. VAT is paid by producers who in turn shift to final consumers who purchase the good or service. Dataset shows VAT for the Local Government Councils. Data was collected by NBS, cleaned and transformed by Dataphyte.

Annual Value Added Tax (VAT) - Minning

December 18th, 2021

The dataset contains annual figures of central government charges on the sales of goods and services to consumers. VAT is paid by producers who in turn shift to final consumers who purchase the good or service. Dataset shows VAT for the Minning sector. Data was collected by NBS, cleaned and transformed by Dataphyte.

Annual Value Added Tax (VAT) - NCS Import

December 18th, 2021

The dataset contains annual figures of central government charges on the sales of goods and services to consumers. VAT is paid by producers who in turn shift to final consumers who purchase the good or service. Dataset shows VAT for NCS Import. Data was collected by NBS, cleaned and transformed by Dataphyte.

Annual Value Added Tax (VAT) - Non import (foreign)

December 18th, 2021

The dataset contains annual figures of central government charges on the sales of goods and services to consumers. VAT is paid by producers who in turn shift to final consumers who purchase the good or service. Dataset shows VAT for the foreign non-import sector. Data was collected by NBS, cleaned and transformed by Dataphyte.

Annual Value Added Tax (VAT) - Offshore Operations

December 18th, 2021

The dataset contains annual figures of central government charges on the sales of goods and services to consumers. VAT is paid by producers who in turn shift to final consumers who purchase the good or service. Dataset shows VAT for Offshore Operations. Data was collected by NBS, cleaned and transformed by Dataphyte.

Annual Value Added Tax (VAT) - Oil Marketing

December 18th, 2021

The dataset contains annual figures of central government charges on the sales of goods and services to consumers. VAT is paid by producers who in turn shift to final consumers who purchase the good or service. The dataset shows VAT for the Oil Marketing sector. Data was collected by NBS, cleaned, and transformed by Dataphyte.

Annual Value Added Tax (VAT) - Other Manufacturing

December 18th, 2021

The dataset contains annual figures of central government charges on the sales of goods and services to consumers. VAT is paid by producers who in turn shift to final consumers who purchase the good or service. Dataset shows VAT for the Other Manufacturing sector Data was collected by NBS, cleaned and transformed by Dataphyte.


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